Creating custom Annotation in Java

Ashutosh Kumar Singh
4 min readApr 10, 2024


Annotation in Java

  • Annotation in Java is a way to provide meta-information related to code element which is used by interpreter and JVM. Here code element include interfaces, classes, fields, methods, arguments and other elements.
  • Annotation is represented by @ sign followed by annotation name.
  • There are various built-in annotations available in java.lang and java.lang.annotation.
  • java.lang have @Deprecated, @FunctionalInterface, @Override, @SafeVarargs, @SuppressWarnings.
  • java.lang.annotation have @Documented, @Inherited, @Native, @Repeatable, @Retention, @Target.

In general, we use two meta-annotations @Target and @Retention.


It returns an array of ElementType on which the annotation can be applied to.

ElementType is an enum which consists of:

As mentioned above @Target returns an array, so we can also specify multiple targets.


@Retention specify RetentionPolicy which indicates how long defined annotation is to be retained.

RetentionPolicy is an enum which consists of:

SOURCE: Annotation will be available in source code only and will be discarded after compilation.

CLASS: Annotation will be available in source code and .class file but, need not to be retained by the VM at runtime.

RUNTIME: Annotation will be available in source code and .class file and, need it is retained by the VM at runtime.

Creating custom annotation

Consider we have an Animal interface which is implemented by Dog and Horse class.

Animal interface has sleep() method we are going to create @Important annotation for sleep method.

  1. Annotations are created same as interface but we need to use @interface instead of interface only.
  2. As discussed above, @Target and @Retention are two meta annotations we use generally.
  3. As mentioned in @Target this annotation will be utilized on methods only and have retention policy as runtime.
  4. We can define fields as well but we need to write it as String fieldName() instead of String fieldname. Here, we have defined value to capture meta-information.
  5. If we define fields as String fieldname(); we need to pass it mandatorily. But we can make it optional using default, it have default value to be picked if we don’t supply it externally.

That’s all, our @Important annotation is ready to be used.

Using custom annotation

Let’s discuss the structure of classes for our example.

Now, let’s add sleep method in both Dog and Horse classes.

Dog class will look like this.

And, Horse class will look like this.

We have overridden sleep() method in both of the classes and added our @Important annotation. For dog the value passed is “yes” and for horse it is “no”. This is because we will fetch the value and using that to invoke sleep() method conditionally based on “yes” or “no” value.

Processing custom annotation

  • To process custom annotations we need Reflection API.
  • If you are not aware of Reflection in Java, please check my article Java Reflection API.
  • Before starting, we have used @Important(value="yes") for Dog sleep() and @Important(value="no") for Horse sleep().
  • In the above AnnotationProcessor class, we are creating objects of Dog and Horse and passing its reference to process it.
  • The processAnnotations(Animal animal) will take animal as argument.
  • Then (line 12), we are fetching all the methods available in animal Class (visit here to check about Class).
  • The (line 14), iterating over fetched methods, and checking if @Important annotation is present or not.
  • If @Important is present then (line 17), we are Important annotation.
  • Then we are fetching value of Important (“yes” or “no”) we have passed.
  • According to value of Important we are executing some logics (print statements here).
  • The output will be:


As you’ve learned throughout this article, annotations provide a flexible way to associate metadata with code, enabling us to enhance the functionality and enforce constraints. I hope you really enjoyed the article. Happy Learning and Happy Coding! 😊



Ashutosh Kumar Singh
Ashutosh Kumar Singh

Written by Ashutosh Kumar Singh


Full Stack Developer

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